Data Viz: Updates to SNAP and Farmers Market Data
- Copyright
- 2018
- Published Date
- 01/18/2018
- Published By
- Community Commons
For me, new data is like a new pair of shoes – I still find utility in the old ones, but the new ones give me a feeling of opportunity and I immediately begin thinking of all the new things I can do with them.
Last week, Community Commons updated three highly-utilized indicators:
- Farmers’ Markets Accepting SNAP (USDA)
- SNAP-Authorized Retailers Access, Rate per 10,000 Population by Tract (USDA)
- SNAP Authorized Retailers (USDA)
These indicators are often used by communities to highlight access, or lack of access, to healthy and affordable options, to identify gaps in service areas, and to inform site development for farmers markets, transportation routes, and other economic development-related projects.
Explore the updated data in the maps below. Click each map to open them in the Community Commons Maproom and to zoom to your community.

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