Bright Spot: Making Proud Choices
Photo by Devin Avery on Unsplash
This bright spot was originally published in the 100 Million Healthier Lives Change Library and is brought to you through partnership with 100 Million Healthier Lives and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement.
Detailed Description
Making Proud Choices! is an 8-session intervention for adolescents age 11-13 that promotes abstinence and encourages safer sex.
The four components of the intervention are:
- Goals, dreams, and adolescent sexuality
- HIV/AIDS knowledge
- Beliefs and attitudes
- Skills and self-efficacy
Throughout this intervention, youth participate in group discussions, watch videos, learn condom use skills, and practice sexual negotiation skills.
Expected Outcomes
- Improvement in knowledge and attitudes
- Delayed initiation of sexual intercourse
- Reduced frequency of sex
- Reduced incidence of unprotected sex
- Increased condom use
Key Lessons Learned
The curriculum has 8 hours of content divided into 8 one-hour modules. It can be implemented in 8 sessions of 60 minutes each or in 4 two-module sessions. In community settings, it can be implemented in the 2-day format (four modules each day), 4-day format (two modules each day) or 8-day format (one module each day).
Cost Details
As of July 2014, the cost of this intervention is as follows: $648 for Implementation Kit, cost for training, and cost for intervention materials. For the latest cost details, please contact the Making Proud Choices program directly.
Key Steps for Implementation
- Train educators and facilitators to implement the curriculum
- Deliver all curriculum activities and modules in order
- Maintain confidentiality
- Obtain parental consent
- Delivery of this intervention must be highly participatory
- Implementation kit can be purchased here
- Implementation Kit (includes facilitator curriculum, activity set, DVDs, and sample student workbook)
- TV monitor DVD player
- School Edition Implementation Kit
- Implementation Kit for Youth In Out-Of-Home Care
If the educators are knowledgeable about HIV/AIDS, STDs, and adolescent sexuality and have experience implementing a STD/HIV prevention curriculum with youth, then they need 16 hours of training. Their training should include reviewing the curriculum and discussing various issues in the curriculum and its implementation and what is unique and different. If the educators are not knowledgeable about HIV/AIDS, STDs, and adolescent sexuality and have no experience implementing a STD/HIV prevention curriculum with youth, then 24 hours of training are needed.
For information regarding training, contact: Loretta Jemmott at (215) 898-8287, or ETR's Training Department at
Types of Staff
Program educators and facilitators should be well trained, have credibility and be trusted by youth. In the evaluated program, each group had one adult facilitator and two peer facilitators
Outcome Measures
- Frequency of sexual intercourse
- Decrease in unprotected sexual intercourse
- Consistency of condom use
- Change in attitudes toward abstinence
- Change in condom use knowledge, skills, and beliefs
Process Measures
- Completion of all modules and activities
- Adherence to module sequence
- Number of participants who completed all modules
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